How To Make Recipes Empek Empek Palembang Lenjer Original

11/23/2014 12:50
How to make Empek Empek Palembang. One of the original food city of Palembang who is perhaps best known from the East end to the West's Indonesia Empek Empek or Pempek are also known. Many variations of this one food that is known to us, such as Prescription Empek Empek lenjer, Empek empek subs, eggs and more. In fact there are also variations of the fish without Empek Empek their who happened to be allergic to seafood. For this time, I will be referring a friend to try mmbuat Recipe Empek Empek Palembang yourself at home.

Make a friend who operates a hobby, would've never tried the food on this one. Yes, not only on sale in the capital of South Sumatra Province wrote, this one also has food easy at the meet in almost all cities in Indonesia. With a distinctive and delicious flavour that comes from a mixture of flour and sago tengiri fish Empek Recipes Empek Palembang, indeed has its own unique flavour that makes us hooked. In addition, his unique sense of dressing that is a mix of vinegar, sugar and spices and other seasonings also raises the typical freshness sensai on our tongue and throat. So it's no wonder that so many fans of the best-performing variations for this one fish cuisine.

In fact, not only did recipes from Kilkenny wrote that frowned upon our society. There is also a Bangka Empek Empek Recipes also has a unique flavour and distinctive. But this dikesempatan I will invite friends friends teen daughter and mother's Recipe to make all Empek Empek Palembang are tasty. Maybe some of us think why should make their own. Anyway lots of food vendors this easy one we come across. Not only in restaurants and Malls in restarurant. Disekita home was easily can we encounter sellers Empek empek submarines, Empek empek Lenjer Empek empek and eggs. But when friends have little time to spare, why not make it your own. Besides more efficient, we can also ensure that the material used really assured quality, cleanliness and the content of its nutrition value.

The main ingredient needed is already tengiri ikang meat free of spines approximately 500 grams. Can also use fish cork or fish belida tengiri fish if no.
Sago flour 250 grams. Use the Sago flour has the nicest quality so that the result is delicious.
Chicken eggs. Choose medium-size and large half eggs use only.
Local garlic whose size is large. Peel the skin and prepare 80 grams to its gravy and 6 pcs mashed lebut to mix dough empek empek.
Brown sugar by as much as a half kilogram of Palm.
Cayenne 100 grams or depending on the tastes and the desired level of spiciness.
Beryodium kitchen salt to taste.
Tamarind if there was just a little.
Clean water is cooked more or less as much as half a liter.

How To Make Empek Empek Palembang

Take the container to the dough Recipe Empek Empek him. Stir in fish flesh tengiri already mashed first in order to ethnically mixed perfectly with the other ingredients.
Stir in salt and 6 pcs his garlic into containers of dough. Mix with fish meat and stir to blend well until all ingredients are well blended.
Stir in half of the eggs and mix and stir again with the other ingredients until well blended and there are no lumps of wadding.
Insert the 250 grams of flour is sagunya. Mix with all the previous material until flat and really no BLOB BLOB.
Take a little dough above and create a form of elongated, short or according to your own ideas to form empek empeknya. Do until all the dough is used up.
Prepare a place to boil the dough shaped in the levels. Give water to taste and boil all the dough pempeknya in boiling water until done.
Prepare a container again to make gravy cukanya.
Enter 0.5 liters of boiled water, brown sugar that's already cut small and tamarind to taste. Boil to a boil while stirring to mix so well blended.
Add salt to taste, garlic has small little cut and salt to taste. It could also add cayenne pepper to taste. Stir again until all of the ingredients well mixed. Remove and strain the broth.

Steps to create the actual Recipe Empek empek Palembang above can be enjoyed. But if friends want to senasi a more crisp and savory, pempek already boiled can be fried over medium heat until cooked a bit browned. It turns out they are too hard to right the making Empek Empek above. Even for a novice was easily able to make it. The original Indonesian dishes for others, please try the recipe Cireng Recipes and Batagor Crisp we. Good luck and please also shared to friend friends